Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that a practitioner can channel energy into a recipient or themself by means of touch. This activates the natural healing processes of one’s body and restores physical and emotional well-being.
Reiki treatments are performed clothed, are noninvasive and usually result in deep relaxation and peace. There is no dogma associated with reiki. It is open to everyone regardless of their religious beliefs.
For a long time, reiki was considered pseudo-science and not taken seriously by the medical establishment. But times are changing and many healthcare providers are beginning to realize there is more going on inside someone besides what can be observed in the concrete physicality of the human body.
The practice of reiki observes that in this existence, we are energetic beings having a physical, material experience. Once we realize this, we can work with the energy, as energy, for the well being of ourselves, our loved ones, and our world.